Stuff For Sale




I need a horse!

And I have too much stuff!

So, I'm selling stuff to get a horse! All prices are exclusive of shipping. To inquire, e-mail me at ken - at -kenmondschein dot com!


Item 1: Gypsy Madblade fantasy longsword, complete with scabbard I made in college. Well-balanced, incredibly sturdy, cool design with mountain lion-jaw quillions and TIG-welded pommel. This is the guy who used to chop apart cinder blocks in front of his booth at Pennsic. When we're attacked by the Mutant Cinder Block Apocalypse, you'll be laughing and I'll be crying. $175 + shipping.


Item 2: A plackart from Mandrake Armory, ~14 ga mild. Needs straps. All dents planished out. Here's a photo of me wearing it back when I had hair. $100.


Item 3: two resin-impregnated plywood shields, finished with canvas and gesso. One red, one green. Ready for painting your arms, or use as-is. Need edging. $70 each or both for $120.


Item 4: Barrel helm, ~14 gauge mild with perf plate in the occularia for steel or cut and thrust. Custom liner. Very tight on my 24" head. Straps front and back for attaching to a breastplate or surcoat. Some rust. $250.


Item 5: A Jack I bought from Bob Brooks in Italy so long ago I paid for it in lira. UK reenactor make. Green suede exterior, brown suede arms, which attach with laces and buckles. High collar. Tough enough for steel (not BOTN, but probably Adrian Empire) or rattan, definitely good enough for SCA cut and thrust. $250.

Item 6: Mercenary's Tailor arm harness with 15th century elbows. Barely used, too heavy for horse! $200. Trading up to spring steel...

This is me wearing them (with different elbows) at Sand's Point in 2007.


Item 7: Barely-used Revival gloves. $30.


Item 8: Girlfriend. Beautiful. Sings well. Bakes pies. Not big enough for jousting. Comes with Friesian colt. SOLD.


Item 9: Cat. Kind of cute. Fairly friendly. Moderately talented mouser. Excellent napper. Too small to ride, would probably eat me if she was big enough to ride. SOLD.


Item 10+: Elbows (off the merc tailor arms); buckler (with door handle back); leather gorget, steel gorget, front greaves made by CLOAK BOY himself! (Note: Cloak Boy does not come included with greaves!) Make me an offer.